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Not all the days of the week flow serenely, there are days when we are anxious, weak and tired from all the consuming issues that we face.

Today am going to share five verses to get you through the week. Whenever you face a knottiness or bump in the way, these verses are to give you courage and help boost your faith in Jesus Christ.

  1. I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice always, Pray at all times, Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Jesus Christ. (NIV)

I like to call this verse my "Daily Dose Reminder". Sometimes our days are so hectic that all we do is complain about the things on our to do list that we didn't do. We cry that something blocked us from an achievement often forgetting that our Father in heaven, God is always ready to listen to our anxieties.

  • Pray at all times.

Prayer is the communication medium between us and Jesus. Even though your day is going great or bad, never forget to pray.

Prayer is one spectral thing that builds a deeper connection with Christ.

Don't pray just because you've faced a challenge, pray at all times because you like to talk to your Redeemer.

  • Be grateful

One important vital lesson I've learnt about gratitude is that it brings peace in your life. Throughout the week, put it in your mind to be grateful for the blessings God had given you. There are people who struggle to have a life so never waste the opportunities God has given you.

2. Romans 8:31

What then shall we say in response to these things, if God is for us who can be against us.

  • There is no Christian who doesn't know that Satan is the source of all hardships we face. He's always trying to push you down, to make you drown. This verse has always been a powerful weapon to the devil whenever I felt like I was suffocating in temptations.

  • The devil doesn't want you to be happy, he wants to destroy the bubble of joy your floating in. We should also challenge him by showing him we are clothed in God's strong armor of faith, he cannot defeat God's children.

If Satan tries to make your anxieties take control over you, tell him "If God is my anti-depressant, What drug is able to outweigh Him? Satan will cower in fear when he hears this.

3. Proverbs 27:1

Do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what a day can bring.

  • Jesus commands my destiny. Honestly, stopping from here is enough because I feel like the statement explains the verse well. Sometimes we live thinking we are in full control our future and often are our decisions are self-praised.

Try making it your goal to always include God in every aspect of your life after all He's your creator.

4. Psalm 90:12

Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

  • God enlighten us on how short our life so that we may live a life of reverence and discipline. This world is full of various secular routes and most of the time we follow the path, the route is wide and easy to get acquainted with but hard to let go.

In order to live a wise life, Jesus is the only wisdom we need.

5. Proverbs 29:25

Fear of man will prove to be snare but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.

  • It is dangerous to be concerned what others think of you but if you trust in the Lord you are safe. There are people who live to people's expectations, trying to please them. One factor that leads to anxiety.

  • Jesus lived a life full of righteousness but still some people were envious of Him but that didn't affect who He was. Stop trying to over lean on what people say about you, focus on living a serene Christian life.

Comment your favorite verse that gives you courage to go through the week!


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